Acts 28:1-15 A Clash of Worldview in Malta
Acts 27 - Trusting in Providence When Everything is Falling Apart
Acts 25-26 Paul Testifies Before Festus and Agrippa
Acts 24 - Paul's Trial Before Felix
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Acts 23 - The Providence of God In Action
Acts 22 - Paul's Testimony in the Temple
Acts 21:18-26 All Things To All Men
Acts 21:1-17 Finishing the Course
Acts 20:23-38 The Characteristics of a Witness part 2
Acts 20:13-22 The Characteristics of a Witness Part 1
Acts 20:1-12 Persevering in Discipleship (Eutychus)
Acts 19:21-41 - The Gospel Upsets the Culture
Acts 19:8-20 When a Handkerchief is Stronger than you