Genesis 29:31=30:24 Baby Wars (Copy)
Idolatry is on full display as the sons of Jacob are named based on two sisters' struggle against one another for the love of their husband and the prestige of bearing the most sons.
Genesis 29:1-30 When Providence Is Discipline (Copy)
Genesis 28:10-22 The Grace of Jacob's Ladder (Copy)
Jacob experiences God in a desolate place - receiving the promise by the proclamation of God. Yet, Jacob reveres the place more than the promise and we also look at the fulfillment of Jacob's ladder from Jesus' own words
Genesis 27 Jacob and Esau (Copy)
Genesis 26:22-35 The Promise of God's Presence (Part 2) (Copy)
Genesis 26:1-23 The Promise of God's Presence (Copy)
Although Isaac fails in the same way as his father Abraham, God protects him and provides for him, showing that He is faithful to His promise in all things.
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Genesis 25:19-34 Despising The Birthright (Copy)
Genesis 25:1-18 Faithful Promises (Copy)
At the end of Abraham's life, God's promises find their fulfillment.
Genesis 24 - The Providence Of God (Copy)
Abraham acts to secure Isaac a wife while trusting in God's providence to work all things out to fulfill His promise
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Genesis 22:20-23:20 The Promise Beyond Death (Copy)
Genesis 22:1-19 The Testing Of Abraham (Copy)
Genesis 21 The Blessing Of Abraham (Copy)
Genesis 20 - God Protects His Promise Again (Copy)
Genesis 19:30-38 Consequences of Compromise (Copy)
Lot and his daughters are delivered out of Sodom, but the effect of Lot's life remains ingrained in them. Lot is indeed a righteous man but his life of compromise with the world has taken its toll on his family.
Genesis 19:1-29 Compromise and Judgment In Sodom (Copy)
Lot is delivered from God's judgment upon Sodom because he is united with Abraham, God's covenant bearer - even though Lot is compromised, hesitant, and obstinate.
Genesis 18:16-33 God's Justice And Mercy (Copy)
God explains to Abraham what He is about to do in bringing judgment down upon Sodom. He does this so Abraham can rightly understand God's justice and teach his children and household what justice and righteousness look like.
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Genesis 17 The Sign of The Covenant (Copy)
Genesis 18:1-15 Is Anything To Hard For The Lord? (Copy)
Abraham demonstrates a heart of hospitality to three visitors, which is in stark contrast to how the visitors will be received in Sodom. Here the Lord reaffirms the promise and this time allows Sarah to hear it from His own mouth, as he exposes her heart.
Genesis 16 - Trading Faithfulness For Expediency (Copy)
Abram comes off the heels of an formalized covenant promise from God, yet he still doesn't have an heir. Sarai and Abram decide to help God's promise along by using a custom of the day to have a child. Instead of waiting on the promise of God, they use worldly means to accomplish what they think is God's purpose.
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