1 Samuel 16 The Way God Sees Things
1 Samuel 15 - Partial Obedience & Sin's Deceitfulness
1 Samuel 14:24-52 A King Becoming More Like the Nations
! Samuel 14:1-23 Faith For God To Do The Impossible
1 Samuel 13 The Danger of Compromise
1 Samuel 12 - Renewing The Kingdom
1 Samuel 11 - The Difference The Spirit Makes
1 Samuel 10 The Man Who Would Be King
1 Samuel 9 - Donkeys And Destiny
1 Samuel 8 - A King To Judge Us
1 Samuel 6:19-7:17 Till Now God Has Helped Us
1 Samuel 5:1-6:12 The Powerful Conquering God
1 Samuel 4 - The Glory Has Departed
1 Samuel 2:27-36 Judgment On Eli's House
1 Samuel 2:11-26 Faithfulness In Wicked Times
1 Samuel 2:1-11 Hannah's Song
1 Samuel 1 - God's Comfort In Affliction
1 Samuel 2:1-10 A Mother's Prayer Of Faith
Hannah sings a joyful, thankful, and worshipful prayer at the tabernacle of God as she dedicates her son Samuel to the service of the Lord. 1 Samuel begins with Hannah as a barren woman, suffering in despair and calling out to God for the blessing of a child. She prays at the tabernacle that God would give her a child and vows to give him back to the Lord (See 1 Samuel 1:27-28). And as our text for Sunday begins in chapter 2, Hannah breaks out into a psalm of praise (which is called a "prayer" in 2:1). The prayer of this mother is extraordinary, for is shows a heart of gratitude and trust in the God who rules over all. It shows that Hannah’s hope is in God, even as she is about to leave her son at the tabernacle to serve the Lord all his life. Hannah’s trust and hope in the Lord is the source of her joy and her strength, and this demonstrates that not only was Hannah giving her son to the Lord, but she had also given herself in faith to God. Her hope (and her hopes for her son Samuel) were bound up in the faithfulness and the promises of the sovereign God in whom she trusts. This mother’s prayer shows her joyful hope in the God who is faithful to her and to her child and to the God who is able to guard the feet of his faithful ones (1 Sam. 2:9)
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