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Micah 5:1-7 He Shall Be Our Peace

Having paused our study in Acts in order to focus upon Christmas, this Sunday we will examine one of the most well-known prophecies of the Savior’s birth - Micah 5:1-7. When the wise men came from the east, asking Herod where the King of the Jews was to be born, it was this text that the chief priests quoted to show that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (See Matthew 2:1-6). Micah prophesied during a time of upheaval and fear in Israel. The Assyrians were conquering everything in their path and the people of Jerusalem were terrified that they would be next. Micah called the people to repent and turn to the Lord and he foretold the judgment that was coming. Yet in the midst of the doom and gloom, Micah also foretold a coming ruler - a Messiah who would be born in the tiny town of Bethlehem. He would be the shepherd of Israel and, Micah says, He will be their peace." Sunday we will examine how Jesus fulfills the prophetic picture that Micah puts forth. For those who seek peace, Jesus is the only answer. And that peace is what we celebrate in the coming of the Lord to Bethlehem. That peace is what the angels announced to the shepherds on that fateful night. That peace is our possession when we are united with Christ is salvation. For He shall be "our" peace - as Micah proclaims

Micah 5:1-7 He Shall Be Our Peace
Jason Velotta

Micah 5:1-5 The Promised Shepherd King

Micah foretells the coming of a ruler from Bethlehem, who would also be savior and shepherd. In this prophecy, Micah assures the people of God that His promises have not failed and the Messiah from the line of David will come.

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Micah 5:1-5 The Promised Shepherd King
Jason Velotta