
Luke 1:26-45 Nothing Will Be Impossible For God

Gabriel comes to Mary in the backwoods of Nazareth to announce the birth of the Messiah. Mary demonstrates a heart of faith in God's grace, God's Son, God's Power, and God's Plan for her. She surrenders herself to the will of God to be His instrument in bearing the Lord

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Luke 1:5-25 The Announcement of John's Birth

Zechariah the priest is given a divine message about his prayers for a child. Although Zechariah is described as faithful and righteous, he still battles with unbelief and is rebuked by the angel Gabriel. He is struck dumb until the prophecy is fulfilled.

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Psalm 22 - A View From The Cross

David writes of his feelings of suffering and abandonment by God, but he speaks prophetically of the crucifixion of the Son of God and the atonement for Sin, giving us a glimpse into the mind of Christ as he suffers for sin.

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Psalm 103 - The Sin of "Forgetfulness"

David charges us to "forget not His benefits." This is essential for believers maintaining their zeal and fire for the Lord Jesus Christ. Forgetfulness of God's work in us is a rust that eats away at our spiritual lives.

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Philippians 4:14-22 - Giving and The Gospel

Paul thanks the Philippians for aiding in the gospel mission by their gifts and shows us what a heart of faith looks like. They valued the advance of the gospel over temporary things.

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Philippians 4:10-13 Being Content in Christ

Paul thanks the Philippians for their gift, but also teaches them that regardless of the circumstances, He has learned how to be content in Christ. 

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