John 19:16-30 shows us the fulfillment of all of Scripture and God’s purposes in the salvation of sinners. Sunday, we examine the crucifixion of Jesus. Up to this point, John has gone to great lengths to show us Jesus’ control of the situation. He has chosen to allow His arrest, His various trials, and now He freely gives His life on the cross as a substitute for sinners.
At every point in this text, we are made aware that even the tiniest details have been foretold and are fulfilling the purposes of the Father. Even on the darkest day in human history, there is absolutely nothing out of God’s control. Each detail is a fulfillment of the Scriptures, meticulously accomplishing God’s plan of salvation for us. As we examine the perfect Lamb sacrificed for our salvation, we are also repeatedly shown that God’s Word is faithful and true in all things. His Word was true on the day when all hope seemed lost, and His Word is still true today in all that we face. Believer, His Word will be true after all the stars burn out and we have spent ten billion years in His presence. His word will be true throughout eternity. Therefore, if God is for us - today - who can be against us?
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