
John 19:1-16 Behold Your King

Here we see the coronation of the King. It is not the kind of coronation that you expect. It isn’t a picture of majesty and honor. Instead, this king’s coronation is a brutal mockery. Those crowning this king mean to bring Him shame and humiliation. But in this wicked scene, we see the reason the eternal Son came. Jesus stands completely alone before Pilate and the crowd. He has been beaten and utterly humiliated. Now, in the face of one who looks like the most pitiable soul in the world, those who stand before Him will choose whom they will serve…as will we. Joshua said, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” (Josh. 24:15)

As Pilate presents Jesus saying, “Behold your king,” we who are purchased by His blood and shame must say, “Yes! There He is. There is the one who is altogether lovely. There He is, the one who took away my sin.” And as we see the Father’s (not Pilate’s) presentation of His Son, we find the one in whom all our hopes are placed…and we glimpse the suffering which was necessary for our salvation.

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