
John 20:24-31 The Mission And A Doubting Thomas

In verses 24-31, the disciples will hit their first roadblock. They will come face to face with the impossibility of living on mission in their own power. One of their own, Thomas, refuses to believe their testimony. How could they ever hope to convince anyone else when one of the 12 won’t even listen? John gives us the answer as He shows us the power of the risen Christ. Only an encounter with Jesus changes hearts. Sunday we examine Thomas’ encounter and see how John himself (in v. 30-31) connects Thomas’ experience with ours today. Our calling to make disciples is a supernatural one accomplished by the word of the gospel, as the Spirit moves upon it. Even in a drastically changing world, we have a mandate from the King of kings who is with us as we fulfill it - even to the end of the age!

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