
Acts 4:23-31 Grant Your Servants To Continue...

In Acts 4:23-31, the early church in Jerusalem is notified that the ruling council has banned all teaching and all speech in Jesus’ name. Peter and John responded boldly to the rulers saying, "We cannot help but speak..." but now they return to the body of believers and tell them the command of the Sanhedrin. The church is on notice. From this point on, there will be consequences if they choose to continue speaking of Jesus. In our text for Sunday, we will examine how the church responds the the threat upon their safety. Will they run? Will they fight back? What can they do?

In verses 4:23-31, they do the only thing they can. They go together to the Lord in prayer, and their prayer teaches us so much about how we must respond not only to opposition to the gospel, but to any trial. When we are afraid - when we are weary - when we are worried - when we are hurting - when we feel like we can’t go on anymore - this text shows us how we respond. Although we will learn several things in this passage, the overarching point is, we cannot be faithful in our own strength. We cannot walk out this Christian life under our own steam. In the face of persecution and the threat of death, this church doesn’t beg God to take the trial away. They don’t plead in prayer that they would be physically protected or that the enemies would be destroyed. They pray, "And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness..." (v.29). They asked for strength to be faithful to His calling regardless of what comes.

The same faith by which we cast ourselves upon Jesus for salvation is the faith by which we must cast ourselves upon Jesus to live the Christian life no matter what the circumstances.

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