
Acts 6:1-7 Anatomy Of A Growing Church

In the first five chapters of Acts, we have seen the church overcome many different attacks. Persecution from the religious leaders has increased as the disciples have been arrested, threatened, and beaten for teaching in the name of Jesus. We will see that continue in the coming chapters. The church has also been attacked from inside as Satan filled the heart of Ananias and Sapphira to lie to the Holy Spirit in an attempt to corrupt the church. But despite all the attempts to silence the church, chapter five ends by saying the apostles continued to teach in the temple and from house to house. By the power of the Holy Spirit, the church continued to grow despite the obstacles.

In chapter 6:1-7, it is that exponential growth that raises another obstacle the church must overcome. The issue this growing church faces is one of division and distraction. Both are serious threats to this new community striving for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Because the number of disciples has increased so much, the church must now adapt to more efficiently engage in the ministry to which God has called them. The anatomy of this growing church is one is willing to reorganize and change to follow the ministry needs to which God is calling them, yet to do so without sacrificing the centrality of the message of the gospel and the ministry of the word of God. It is a church that raises up leaders from among it as they all strive together, united in love, to obey every facet of the mission of Christ.

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