
Acts 7:54-60 The Makings Of A Martyr

This Sunday, we will finish Acts 7 and witness the execution of Stephen. This will most likely be our last sermon in Acts before Christmas. Stephen has been accused of blaspheming against God and against Moses. He has been taken before the Sanhedrin to answer the charges and throughout chapter 7, Stephen has taken the religious leaders on a trip through the history of God’s work among the Hebrews. He has shown that God’s presence with His people has not been confined to any land or temple throughout history. And when Stephen finally makes his point, he does so with a serrated edge. He calls them stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart. He tells them that their fathers had always persecuted those God sent to them and now they themselves have murdered the righteous one himself! (See 7:51-53).

But before Stephen can finish his sermon, he is interrupted by something amazing. God pulls back the veil and shows him that there is another court hearing Stephen’s testimony as he speaks. As Stephen marvels and announces what he sees, this will be the last straw in the minds of the Sanhedrin. This will lead to Stephen’s execution. But it is here that we see aspects of what it means to be a faithful witness for Christ. When we hear the reality of what Stephen is shown, the cost he is willing to pay, and the heart with which he prays as he dies, we see one who is like Christ having been transformed by His salvation and filled with His Spirit.

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