
Acts 2:37-41 What Shall We Do?

Throughout history, man has come up with many different answers to the most important question in the universe. "How can I be right and righteous when I stand before my creator?" That is the question the crowd will ask Peter and the Apostles in Acts 2:37-41. After the Spirit came at Pentecost, Peter preached a sermon explaining what has happened and why it has happened. His message is that because Jesus is the Messiah, has risen from the grave, and is exalted at the right hand of the Father, He has poured out the Spirit in fulfillment of God’s promises. However, there is a troubling refrain repeated throughout Peter’s address to the Jewish pilgrims in Jerusalem. He continually reminds them, "you killed Him," and "you crucified Him."

As the Spirit convicts them of their sin, they come to realize their desperate and hopeless position. Finally understanding the most crucial problem of all humanity, the crowd cries out, "Brothers what shall we do?" How this question is answered will reverberate through all eternity. Sunday, we will look at how Peter, moved by the Spirit, answers this question. His answer (in v.38) is one of the most debated passages in Scripture as several different groups build whole theologies based upon it.

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