
Acts 20:28-38 Faithful Pastoral Ministry Part 2

Sunday we continue examining Paul’s final words to the elders of the Ephesian church in Acts 20:28-38. As we saw last week in verses 17-27, Paul began by reminding them of his example among them. He lived and served among them for three years with humility and tears, despite the trials he faced. He taught the whole counsel of God unapologetically and therefore was innocent of anyone’s blood. Paul gave this reminder as an example of what the pastors of the church must do now that he is leaving them for good. As we examine the rest of his speech (v. 28-38) Paul moves to the direct exhortation of what pastors and church leaders are called to do. Without ambiguity, he lays out their responsibility before God as well as the ways and means they are to fulfill their calling.

This passage has been particularly convicting and formative for me over these last two weeks. Here we find God’s infallible testimony of what elders / pastors are called to be and to do. Here we find Paul’s pastoral theology and practice laid out in the Holy Scriptures, and it is here that the church is informed as to what God expects of those who are called to teach and lead as overseers of Christ’s church. Sunday we will look at what it must look like for the God called pastors to "shepherd the church of God, which He obtained with His own blood." We will also examine the under-shepherd’s call regarding "keeping watch" for the "fierce wolves" that arise from outside and inside the church.

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