
Acts 13:1-12 Characteristics of Missions

At the beginning of Acts 13 we will see another "first" in the early church. The church at Antioch became the first congregation composed mostly of Gentile Christians. Now as we begin chapter 13, this church will be the first to send out missionaries with the intent of strategically making the gospel known in other lands. And this is not the result of the goodness of the people or the desire of the Church. It was the Holy Spirit’s specific command to this church as they worshiped and ministered to the Lord. The Holy Spirit called the church to set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work that He has called them to do. As these men are called, commissioned, sent, and engage in their mission on the island of Cyprus, we see the characteristics of missions and to be witnesses to the ends of the earth. Mission is the call of the local church because souls are at stake - eternity is at stake - and the gospel is the only answer for all of humanity.

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