
Acts 16:6-15 When God Changes Our Plan

Once again, I am continually amazed that God has us in the perfect text we need to hear this week. It has been hard not to question and try to understand God’s purpose and plan regarding the results of Kansas’ amendment vote. But even if this momentous even hadn’t taken place, there are always times in the believers life when we don’t understand what God is doing and can’t see His purposes in the events of our lives. We are often faced with the reality that our plans are not always God’s plans. Paul and Silas face this as they head out on the second missionary journey. In Acts 16:6-15, they attempt to evangelize portions of the Roman province of Asia and Bithynia, and both times God closes the door to them. God has a plan for their journey and He funnels them right where he wants them to go. But I wonder what they thought when those doors shut.

This Sunday we will see that God leads His people to accomplish His purposes (not necessarily our purposes). We will see what it looks like to follow Jesus when we have a direct call and also when we have no idea what to do next. We will remind ourselves from the text that God is in control of His mission. He is in control of all things. When he shuts doors on our efforts, there is a reason and a purpose. And though we often don’t see the big picture, we walk by faith.

Paul and the missionary team are not allowed to evangelize in Asia or Bithynia. Instead they are brought all the way across the Aegean to the edge of Europe in Philippi, so that one woman named Lydia may have her heart opened by the Lord through the gospel. We must follow God’s plan for it is only His power that saves and glorifies Himself by changing hearts.

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