
Galatians 3:1-14 Faith From Beginning To End

Through the first two chapters of Galatians, Paul has given testimony of the origin of the gospel he preached, the authenticity of his call as an Apostle, and the authority of the gospel over even other Apostles. As we begin Galatians 3, Paul turns his attention back to the Galatians who are being tempted to follow after the false teachers who claim that Gentile Christians must adopt Jewish practices to be in covenant with God. Through chapters 3 & 4, Paul use many Old Testament texts to prove that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus alone. Sunday we will see the beginning of this presentation as Paul does for the Galatians exactly what he did for Peter in chapter 2. He calls them back to living out the truth they have believed in the gospel. As Paul presents the truth to the Galatians, we find those same truths calling us back to the gospel, when we are tempted to forget the promises of the covenant we have in Jesus Christ. Though we will probably not be faced with people telling us we must add traditional Jewish law to our faith in order to be righteous before God, we are continually barraged by messages from the world, well meaning religious people, and even our own hearts which tell us that Jesus has left something unfinished which we must complete. Paul addresses this head on, asking the Galatians (and us) "Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?" (Gal. 3:3)

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