
Galatians 4:12-20 Until Christ Is Formed In You

Sunday we will examine Galatians 4:12-20. Paul has been arguing forcefully from the Old Testament Scriptures that God’s promise to Abraham is fulfilled to the nations by faith alone in Jesus Christ. He has defended salvation by faith against those teaching the Galatians that works of the law were also necessary to be right with God. We have taken note of the urgency and alarm in Paul’s words as he declared that anyone preaching another gospel is accursed. He also called the Galatians foolish twice in this letter. Paul is energetic in trying to persuade the Galatians to hold onto to the gospel truth. But in 4:12-20, Paul pauses his exposition of Old Testament texts and makes a personal, pastoral appeal to the Galatians. He reminds them of how they received the gospel message and Paul as the messenger, and he exposes the motives of those who are seeking to pervert the gospel. Paul, like the Judaizers, is trying to win over the Galatians. But his motive reveals his love and his heart for them. He not only loves truth, doctrine, theology and his mission - he loves these people. His desire for them is not that he would add numbers to his resume of converts. He desires them to follow Christ. He says "My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you...(v.19). The message of this heartfelt pastoral section, is a call for the Galatians to flee back to the simple gospel of Jesus. Let us do that as well - daily - hourly - moment by moment - until Christ be formed in us.

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