
The Ordinance Of Baptism

This Sunday, we begin studying the two ordinances Jesus commanded the church to observe. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the signs of the New Covenant. Together, these two ordinances proclaim the gospel in visible form. Baptism testifies that one has entered into the New Covenant by grace through faith in Jesus, and the Lord’s Supper portrays one’s ongoing life of repentance, remembrance, and communion with Christ and His body. This Sunday, we will focus our attention on Baptism, the first act of obedience for a new believer, and the commanded ordinance by which new believers testify to their new life in Christ. Baptism is also a church proclamation to the new believer and the world. In Baptism, the church affirms a believer’s profession of faith and marks them out from the world. Jesus commanded the church to make disciples, partly by baptizing them in (literally “into”) the name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit. As believers are baptized “into the name,” baptism is the sign identifying one as being united with Christ and His people. Although Baptism does not save or complete one’s salvation, baptism is commanded as the sign proclaiming one’s entry into the New Covenant and picturing one’s death and resurrection with Christ, an internal reality given by grace through faith alone.

I. A Sign Of The New Covenant (Col. 2:11-12)

II. A Sign Portraying Death & Resurrection With Christ By Immersion (Rom. 6:3-4)

1. Evidence of Immersion - Matt. 3:16, John 3:23, Acts 8:38-39

III. A Sign Not A Saving Work (1 Co. 1:12-17)

IV. A Sign Commanded Of Believers (Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 2:38)

     1.  NT assumes every believer has been baptized (Col 2:11-12; Rom 6:3-4; 1 Co 12:13)

      2. Baptism is for believers only – (Acts 2:41; 8:12; 16:14-15; 18:8)

V. A Sign Identifying Us With Christ & His People (Gal. 3:26-27; 1 Co. 12:13; Acts 2:41-42)

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