
Hebrews 10:1-10 Four Essential Truths (Part 1)

Hebrews 10:1-18 is the final section of the author’s doctrinal argument. Here, we are given the conclusion of all the arguments in the last few chapters. Beginning in Hebrews 10:19, the author will begin showing his readers how to live in light of Jesus’ sufficiency and superiority to the Old Covenant. Given all that we have examined in the book of Hebrews, the author’s conclusions in 10:1-18 won’t be new truths we haven’t heard before. Yet, the conclusions drawn in this section are vital for the Hebrew Christians (and us) to anchor themselves in the face of suffering and persecution. The same is true for us. Though we may feel that we are already familiar with these truths, they are the bedrock and foundation upon which we must stand to walk out this Christian life. The author concludes the doctrinal section of Hebrews with four vital truths.

I. Our Sacrifices & Offerings Can Never Take Away Sins (1-4)

II. Christ’s Sacrifice Has Sanctified Us Forever (5-10)

III. Christ’s Sacrifice Perfects Those Being Sanctified (11-14)

IV. Christ’s Sacrifice  Is The Only Offering For Sin (15-18)

This Sunday, we will work through the first two points (v. 1-10) and the final two next week. Let these four concluding statements (found in v. 4, v. 10, v. 14, v. 18) be the compass that continually points us to the truth when our hearts and the world draw us toward other things.

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