
Hebrews 10:11-18 Four Essential Truths Part 2

This Sunday, we will complete the final section in Hebrews’ doctrinal case for the supremacy of Jesus. Throughout the book, the author has given numerous scriptural and theological proofs that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s covenant promises and the goal to which all the Old Covenant has pointed. We have also been warned several times not to turn away from Christ. In 10:1-18, the author brings the case to a close with four conclusions based on all that has come before. We examined two of them last week in verses 1-10.

I. Our Sacrifices and Offerings Can Never Take Away Sin (v. 1-4)

II. Christ’s Sacrifice Has Sanctified Us Forever (v. 5-10)

This Lord’s Day, we will finish the section with the last two essential truths.

III. Christ’s Sacrifice Perfects Those Being Sanctified (v. 11-14)

IV. Christ’s Sacrifice Is The Only Offering For Sin (v. 15-18)

As we said last week, these four truths are essential for walking in the gospel of Christ when it seems the whole world seeks to turn us away. When our own hearts tempt us to find sufficiency in our works or feel incomplete in our failures, these four truths keep us grounded in the truth. The writer has gone to great lengths to prove Jesus’ superiority and fulfillment of all things, so these concluding truths are essential for us to absorb before moving into his instruction for how we must live in light of them.

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