
Hebrews 11:29-31 An Imperfect Faith

This Sunday, I intended to finish chapter 11 in Hebrews. However, as I studied the Old Testament backgrounds of the three examples of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11:29-31, the faith mentioned in these verses took me by surprise. As we have walked through chapter 11, studied these great examples of faith, and reminded ourselves of the author’s call to hold fast to our faith, some might very well begin to think "faith" is synonymous with "strength." As if Hebrews is saying faith is being strong, capable, and unfaltering in devotion. These are, of course, attributes we should strive for, but "faith" is not strength. In fact, faith often grows "strong" out of weakness. In Hebrews 11:29-31, we find three examples of faith commended by God that are surprising. The text of Hebrews is quite simple and to the point, not going into detail about the events it records because the Hebrew readers knew these accounts like the back of their hands. Yet we may need to remind ourselves of these events. So, this Sunday, we will approach the text a little differently. We will examine not only the text of Hebrews 11:29-31 but also the Old Testament events these verses describe. In doing so, we find that the faith commended here was weak, simple, and sometimes so lacking it had to be stirred up by others. Yet, here they are, commended by God in this list. A "mustard seed" sized faith is still faith, and though God surely grows our faith, it is its presence, not its amount, that the righteous live by.

I. God Commends A Weak Imperfect Faith (Hebrews 11:29; Exodus 14:1-16)

II. God Demonstrates His Power Through Imperfect Faith (Hebrews 11:30; Joshua 6:1-17)

III. God Receives Sinners Through Simple Faith (Hebrews 11:31; Joshua 2:1-24)

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