
Hebrews 13:7-16 We Have An Altar

As we begin winding down the book of Hebrews, the final chapter is filled with exhortations and commands that show us how to live like Jesus is better. The last verse of chapter 12 told us to offer acceptable (pleasing) worship to God. In Hebrews 13:21, the author prays that God would equip the reader to do what is "pleasing" in His sight. Between these two ideas of living and worshiping in a way that pleases the Lord, the various commands show us what that looks like. In verses 13:7-16, we are instructed in what to do and shown where the strength to endure in these things comes from. The Hebrew Christians are told to remember those who taught the word to them and to consider the outcome of their way of life (v. 7) Many have endured faithfully to the end, and we can draw encouragement from their example because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (v. 8) The same Jesus that enabled past saints to end well is with us as we hold firm to our faith through trials. Moreover, the writer shows us how to be "strengthened by grace" (v. 9) by going to our "altar" (v. 10), which is the cross of Jesus Christ. We have an altar that the Old Covenant priests cannot eat from (v. 10). "Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured" (v. 13) By grace, we can endure to the end as we:

I. Emulate The Faithfulness Of Godly Examples (v. 7-8)

II. Be Strengthened By Grace From Our Altar (v. 9-14)

III. Continually Worship With Spiritual Sacrifices (v. 15-16)

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