
Mark 2:1-12 Authority To Forgive Sins

Jesus’ kingdom authority has been the focus throughout Mark 1. He burst onto the scene proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand and calling people to repent and believe the good news. Then, Mark presents four consecutive miracles that demonstrate Christ’s authority. Jesus casts out an unclean spirit in the synagogue of Capernaum, showing His authority over the kingdom of darkness. He heals Peter’s mother-in-law because He has authority over every effect of the fall. Last week, we examined the third miracle, when Jesus cleansed a leper. Only Christ has the authority to make the unclean clean. Each of these miracles reveals more of the Messiah’s authority to bring God’s Kingdom, culminating in the exercise of His most incredible display of authority.  This Sunday, Mark presents the fourth miracle, revealing that Jesus has the authority to forgive sin. The story of four men breaking through the roof to let down their paralytic friend before Jesus is a well-known narrative. Yet, this event is not just another physical healing. After seeing the faith of these men who are determined to get to Jesus and seeing the paralyzed man suffering before Him, Jesus does not immediately say, “Pick up your bed and walk.” Instead, His first words are, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus looks past this man’s physical suffering and meets his greatest need. Jesus only heals this man’s physical body to prove that He has the authority to forgive sins. When Christ pronounces the man’s sins forgiven, scribes in the crowd are offended that Jesus would claim an authority only God has. Only God can forgive sins, and claiming this authority is blasphemy. Knowing what is in their hearts, Jesus heals this man proving that He indeed is “the Son of Man” and “has authority on earth to forgive sins.” (Mark 2:10).

I. Setting (v. 1-2)

II. Faith Is Displayed In Action (v. 3-5a)

III. Jesus Meets Our Greatest Need (v. 5)

IV. Jesus Has Authority To Forgive Sin (v. 6-12)