
Hebrews 11:4-7 Without Faith Impossible To Please God

Sunday, we begin walking down the list of faith-filled Old Testament saints in Hebrews 11. Having encouraged the professing Hebrew Christians to “live by faith” at the end of chapter 10, chapter 11:1-3 opened with a description of faith, saying, “1Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the people of old received their commendation.” In v. 4, the writer begins showing example after example of those who lived in the assurance of things hoped for and by the conviction of things not seen. This Sunday, we will examine the first three examples, Abel, Enoch, and Noah (v. 4-7). I originally planned on preaching through v. 13, but it quickly became apparent that there wouldn’t be time to deal with the text adequately. It is easy to get lost in the details of these Old Testament saint’s lives and miss the point Hebrews is making, so as we work through this chapter, we will emphasize the purpose of this list repeatedly. The writer shows the suffering Hebrews what “living by faith” looks like by giving examples of the righteous who have done so. In each example, we see godly individuals who endured hardship or trials as they lived “being assured of what they hoped for and convinced of what they could not see.” The writer calls the Hebrews to do the same as they face the pressures of persecution and temptation for Christ’s name. Just as they, we are called to hold fast to our profession that Jesus is better and trust that God is a rewarder of those who seek Him, even when doing so in this world means denying our desires and facing a hostile world. The righteous are those who live by faith.

I. Faith Commends Us As Righteous (v. 4)

II. Faith Is Necessary To Please God (v. 5-6)

III. Faith Acts On God’s Word (v. 7)

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