
Hebrews 11:8-16 Living As Exiles By Faith

Hebrews 11:8-16 continues describing faith by showing the example of Abraham and Sarah. Last week, as we began walking down this list, we saw Abel, Enoch, and Noah. From their lives, Hebrews taught us:

I. Faith Commends Us As Righteous (v. 4)

II. Faith Is Necessary To Please God (v. 5-6)

III. Faith Acts On God’s Word (v. 7)

As we continue the thread of this outline, Abraham’s call and life shows us:

IV. Faith Obeys Without Explanation (v. 8)

V. Faith Endures Seasons Of Waiting (v. 9-10)

VI. Faith Expects God’s Faithfulness (v. 11-12)

VII. Faith Looks Toward Future Reward (v. 13-16)

By emphasizing Abraham’s life of obedient, expectant, forward-looking faith, the author shows the suffering Hebrew Christians what living by faith looks like when trials and temptations abound. The life of faith is an expectant trust in the Lord, looking forward to a "better country." 

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