
Luke 5:27-32 The Call To Follow Jesus

Jesus calls an unlikely person to be His disciple. Levi (Matthew) is a tax collector. Tax collectors were thought to be the most wicked, vile, and hated people in Israel. Yet Jesus extends the call to this sinner. The call is to follow Jesus and Levi leaves all to do so. This is the same call made to us today. 

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Luke 5:17-26 Desperately Dependent On Jesus

Jesus demonstrates that He possesses the authority to forgive sin, as desperate men do whatever it takes to get their paralyzed companion to Jesus. At the same time, religious men sit satisfied, not recognizing their need for Christ. 

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Genesis 25:27-34 Trading Away The Birthright

Esau sells his birthright for a bowl of stew. This wasn't just his inheritance of servants, money, and livestock - the inheritance from Abraham and Isaac came with a promise from God. The "seed" would come from the line of Abraham and Isaac. God already told Rebecca that Jacob would be the promised seed, but here we see Esau couldn't care less about his spiritual inheritance. He was a profane man (Heb. 12:17).

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Luke 5:12-16 Jesus Cleanses The Defiled

A man full of leprosy desires Jesus to make him clean. The leper is unclean and shut out of the presence of God in the Temple, and the community of God. He must yell, "unclean, unclean" to warn those who come near. His uncleanness defiles everything he touches, but when Jesus touches him...

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Luke 5:1-11 Following Jesus

Jesus demonstrates authority over Peter's fishing and calls him to become a fisher of men. Jesus has authority over every area of our lives but that authority demands a response. Peter responds in repentance and faith, forsaking all to follow Jesus

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Matthew 12:22-32 The Unpardonable Sin

Jesus proclaims the only sin that will not be forgiven "in this word or the next world." He calls this sin the Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. What is this sin and how can I know if I have committed it? The answer is found in the context of Matthew chapter 12. 

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Luke 4:31-44 The Authority of Jesus' Word

Jesus begins demonstrating His authority as the kingdom of God begins breaking into creation. Jesus casts away the effects of the fall by healing diseases and casting out demons. His word has power to conquer the kingdom of darkness and He is compassionate toward those bound in its grip

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Luke 4:14-30 Obstacles of Faith

Jesus returns to His hometown preaching the good news of the kingdom. The people of Nazareth turn on Him and try to kill Him because of His message. Jesus shows them the things that are keeping them from trusting in Him as Messiah...they are the same things that keep people from believing today, and these obstacles also keep believers from growing in Christ. 

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Luke 4:1-13 The Champions Enter The Ring

Jesus enters into the greatest fight for us. Just as Adam and Israel entered the ring to fight against Satan's temptations and lost, Jesus enters on our behalf and is victorious. Jesus shows us how to fight by wielding God's Word, the Sword of the Spirit, but more importantly, Jesus fights for us, proving He is the perfect God-Man who is able to atone for our sin. 

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Luke 3:15-23 The True Testimony Of The Son

John the Baptist testifies to the truth about the Messiah - His infinite worth, His Effective ministry, and His identity as judge. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit also Testify to the Identity of the Son. 

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Luke 3:1-14 Repentance is Essential To Salvation

John the Baptist emerges from the wilderness as the last Old Testament type prophet. He preaches a message of repentance to Israel as he prepares their hearts for the coming of the Messiah. Repentance is just as necessary for salvation today as it was then. Repentance and faith are two sides of the same coin.

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Luke 2:39-52 The Hypostatic Union

Luke presents both the humanity and the divinity of Jesus. The Hypostatic Union is the unity of both a complete human nature and a complete divine nature in the person of Jesus Christ. The Word became flesh to bring humanity into fellowship with the Triune God

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Romans 7 - I Am Not What My Flesh Can Do

Romans 7 shows us the believers struggle to keep the law of God. God's law is holy and perfect, the problem is it is weak through the flesh. The flesh cannot keep the law of God no matter how hard we try. But our standing before God is given through Christ alone and in that we are delivered from the condemnation of the law

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Psalm 97 - The Terrifying Justice of God

It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of a living God. The true God reigns over all and His presence is utterly terrifying throughout Scripture. Only the righteous can rejoice in His presence and only those in Jesus Christ are declared righteous.

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Luke 2:1-7 A Tale Of Two Kings

The story of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem shows us that God is Sovereignly in control of history but He often works in ways we don't expect. The King of kings is born in the most humble circumstances imaginable, yet God is working for our real problem...sin. 

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Luke 1:67-79 Praising God's Saving Work (Benedictus)

Zechariah breaks his silence with an overflow of praise and prophecy to God and to his newborn son, John. Zechariah foretells what God has done, how he has done it, and why God has done it. He also shows man what he must do to be right with God. 

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Luke 1:57-66 Responding to God's Promise

Zachariah and Elizabeth bring forth their promised son. The family and friends think his name should be called Zachariah after their father, but Zachariah and Elizabeth remember the command of Gabriel to call his name John. Will they obey in faith or will they go back to business as usual after God has blessed them?

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Luke 1:46-56 God is Owed Worship (The Magnificat)

Mary bursts forth in a heartfelt song of worship and praise to God. She focuses her reasons for magnifying God on who He is and What He has Done. God is owed our worship because of His grace, because of who he is, because of what he has done, and because of His faithfulness.

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