
John 19:31-42 The Testimony Of His Burial

Jesus not only died and entered into the tomb, He did so as our covenant head. He went before us, into death itself, to conquer the grave itself on behalf of those who trust in Him. The testimony of this burial still echos with power today. The evidence shows He truly died, He is truly divine, and He truly transforms His disciples

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John 19:16-30 It Is Finished

John 19:16-30 shows us the fulfillment of all of Scripture and God’s purposes in the salvation of sinners. Sunday, we examine the crucifixion of Jesus. Up to this point, John has gone to great lengths to show us Jesus’ control of the situation. He has chosen to allow His arrest, His various trials, and now He freely gives His life on the cross as a substitute for sinners. 

At every point in this text, we are made aware that even the tiniest details have been foretold and are fulfilling the purposes of the Father. Even on the darkest day in human history, there is absolutely nothing out of God’s control. Each detail is a fulfillment of the Scriptures, meticulously accomplishing God’s plan of salvation for us. As we examine the perfect Lamb sacrificed for our salvation, we are also repeatedly shown that God’s Word is faithful and true in all things. His Word was true on the day when all hope seemed lost, and His Word is still true today in all that we face. Believer, His Word will be true after all the stars burn out and we have spent ten billion years in His presence. His word will be true throughout eternity. Therefore, if God is for us - today - who can be against us?

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John 19:1-16 Behold Your King

Here we see the coronation of the King. It is not the kind of coronation that you expect. It isn’t a picture of majesty and honor. Instead, this king’s coronation is a brutal mockery. Those crowning this king mean to bring Him shame and humiliation. But in this wicked scene, we see the reason the eternal Son came. Jesus stands completely alone before Pilate and the crowd. He has been beaten and utterly humiliated. Now, in the face of one who looks like the most pitiable soul in the world, those who stand before Him will choose whom they will serve…as will we. Joshua said, “Choose this day whom you will serve.” (Josh. 24:15)

As Pilate presents Jesus saying, “Behold your king,” we who are purchased by His blood and shame must say, “Yes! There He is. There is the one who is altogether lovely. There He is, the one who took away my sin.” And as we see the Father’s (not Pilate’s) presentation of His Son, we find the one in whom all our hopes are placed…and we glimpse the suffering which was necessary for our salvation.

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John 18:28-40 What Is Truth?

Jesus defines THE truth and describes His authority in the face of hostile powers vying for authority. Important worldview questions are at stake - and God provides His passover Lamb

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John 18:12-27 Take Heed Lest You Fall

During the events of Jesus’ arrest, we witnessed His power, His care for His disciples, and His resolve to drink the cup the Father had given Him. As we move into John 18:12-27, we will once again see these attributes displayed in the questioning of Jesus, but in this section the focus shifts to another interrogation. While Jesus is being questioned inside, Peter is being questioned outside. The contrast between these two interrogations couldn’t be more obvious. Peter fails miserably and denies the Lord he promised to follow even unto death. This Sunday, we won’t be hearing a "don’t be like Peter" sermon. The problem is that we already are like Peter in so many ways. Yet Jesus stood firm for Peter knowing that at that moment Peter was outside denying Him. Instead of simply saying, "Let’s do better than Peter," we will examine why Peter (who clearly loved Jesus) failed so badly. As we diagnose his disease from Scripture, we find insight into our own life of standing for Christ in an ungodly world. We will see not just that we must stand and confess Jesus, but how we are able to do so - and in this we find the source of our Christian walk.

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Genesis 9:1-17 Noah's New Covenantal Order

God establishes His covenant with Noah and creation. He gives a law to protect human life.

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John 18:1-12 In The Presence of The "I Am"

Having completed His teaching and prayer for the disciples, the hour of Jesus has come. He is arrested in the garden. Yet Jesus is in control of this situation. He is the almighty God, the Good Shepherd, and The Obedient Son.

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Acts 2:42-46 Making Disciples Growing Disciples

How the early church discipled the massive amount of people who were saved under the Apostle's ministry in Jerusalem. They discipled one another through Worshiping, Connecting, Serving

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Genesis 6:9-22 Grace In A Corrupted World

Noah finds grace in the eyes of the Lord, though the entire earth is plunged into violence and wickedness. Even the line of Seth has intermarried and been corrupted. Yet God declares both judgment upon the wicked and a covenant with Noah.

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John 17:20-26 United Together In Christ

Jesus prays for the church through the ages who would believe through the Apostles' word. He prays here for us, and His prayer is that we would be one just as the Father and Son are one - and that we would be one IN the Father and Son.

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Genesis 6:1-10 The Sons of God

Wickedness fills the earth and now even the godly line of Seth is corrupted by intermarrying indiscriminately. Yet even now, Noah finds grace and God's promise is not revoked.

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John 17:6-19 In The World Not Of It

Jesus prays for His disciples before going to the cross. He affirms them before the Father and prays for what He knows they will need - It is the same things we need to live out this mission in the hostile world.

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Genesis 4:17-5:32 The Lines of The Seeds

Genesis presents to growth of both lines - the serpent's seed and the seed of the woman. These lines show starkly different characteristics. Cain's line is characterized by self effort, pride, and sinfulness - Seth's line is characterized by godliness, humility, and dependence.

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