
1 Peter 1:6-12 Equipped To Endure

1 Peter 1:6-12 continues to build the foundation upon which believers must stand as they face the sufferings and trials of this world. Verses 1-12 together are essential to understand as we are "grieved by various trials" in this life. They give us the footholds we need when grieved by trials for His name.

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1 Peter 1:1-5 Strangers In A Strange Land

Peter writes this epistle to churches in a vast area of Asia Minor. These Christians are going through trials and sufferings because of their faith in Christ. At least 15 times in 1 Peter’s five chapters, he references the trials and sufferings of these believers. This epistle is intended to instruct believers in how we follow Christ in the midst of a world that is growing darker and more hostile to Jesus. Yet, before Peter begins giving commands and instructions to these believers, he starts by reminding them of who they are. He reminds them of what God has done for them and he joins them in blessing God even in the middle of their trials.

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1 Peter 1:14-21 Living Faithfully As Exiles (Part 2)

Peter continues to instruct his readers in how to be faithful in the midst of a world that is hostile to their faith. He shows what faithfulness looks like when suffering trials. In these verses, he commands believers to be holy in their conduct and fear the Lord because of the hope they have in the gospel

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1 Peter 1:13 Living Faithfully As Exiles

Jason Velotta


1 Peter 1:13 Living Faithfully As Exiles

Peter finally begins to give instructions and commands to his readers. He instructs believers in what it looks like to live faithfully in the midst of trials, persecutions, and exile in a hostile world. Through the end of chapter 1, he gives four basic commands. Set your hope fully on the grace that will be given at Jesus’ coming, Be holy, Honor God, and Love one another. This command is so important for us. This command flows from all the glorious things God has done for us in verses 1-12. It is our response to what we have been given in the gospel and, as we will see Sunday, it is vital if we desire to be faithful as exiles in this world. "Setting our hope" is how we stand regardless of what this life throws at us.

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Genesis 18:16-33 God's Justice And Mercy

God explains to Abraham what He is about to do in bringing judgment down upon Sodom. He does this so Abraham can rightly understand God's justice and teach his children and household what justice and righteousness look like.

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1 Peter 1:6-12 Equipped To Endure

1 Peter 1:6-12 continues to build the foundation upon which believers must stand as they face the sufferings and trials of this world. Verses 1-12 together are essential to understand as we are "grieved by various trials" in this life. They give us the footholds we need when grieved by trials for His name.

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1 Peter 1:1-5 Strangers In A Strange Land

Peter writes this epistle to churches in a vast area of Asia Minor. These Christians are going through trials and sufferings because of their faith in Christ. At least 15 times in 1 Peter’s five chapters, he references the trials and sufferings of these believers. This epistle is intended to instruct believers in how we follow Christ in the midst of a world that is growing darker and more hostile to Jesus. Yet, before Peter begins giving commands and instructions to these believers, he starts by reminding them of who they are. He reminds them of what God has done for them and he joins them in blessing God even in the middle of their trials.

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Jeremiah 31:31-34 The New Covenant

In the midst of prophesying judgment on Jerusalem, God foretells the day when He will make a new covenant with His people. In this new covenant, He will write the law on their hearts rather than on tablets of stone. He will be their God and remember their sins no more.

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John 21:15-25 The Call To Tend Sheep

Jesus restores Peter to service giving him an opportunity to affirm his love three times just as he denied Jesus three times. In this we see Jesus' command for all those who love Him. We are called to tend sheep. We are called to make disciples. This call is fueled by a love for Jesus and it is a call that costs your life.

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Genesis 16 - Trading Faithfulness For Expediency

Abram comes off the heels of an formalized covenant promise from God, yet he still doesn't have an heir. Sarai and Abram decide to help God's promise along by using a custom of the day to have a child. Instead of waiting on the promise of God, they use worldly means to accomplish what they think is God's purpose.

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John 21:1-14 Fishing Lessons

Jesus uses a fishing trip to illustrate how the disciples will live on mission as they serve the now risen Christ. This fishing trip will remind Peter, John, and James of the day that Jesus first called them to follow Him and become fishers of people. They will be forced to face the reality, and practically apply Jesus’ words, "without me you can do nothing." In this event, we will also come to see more fully that Jesus alone is the provider and the nourisher of his weary and hurting servants.

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Genesis 15 The Abrahamic Covenant

Abram questions God's promise which has yet to be fulfilled years after it was made. God responds by making a covenant with Abram in the most dramatic way imaginable. In this the gospel is foreshadowed.

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John 20:24-31 The Mission And A Doubting Thomas

In verses 24-31, the disciples will hit their first roadblock. They will come face to face with the impossibility of living on mission in their own power. One of their own, Thomas, refuses to believe their testimony. How could they ever hope to convince anyone else when one of the 12 won’t even listen? John gives us the answer as He shows us the power of the risen Christ. Only an encounter with Jesus changes hearts. Sunday we examine Thomas’ encounter and see how John himself (in v. 30-31) connects Thomas’ experience with ours today. Our calling to make disciples is a supernatural one accomplished by the word of the gospel, as the Spirit moves upon it. Even in a drastically changing world, we have a mandate from the King of kings who is with us as we fulfill it - even to the end of the age!

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John 20:19-23 The "Sent" Life

Jesus sends His disciples just as He was sent. They are given Peace, power, and authority to engage in the mission of making disciples.

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John 20:1-18 Because He Lives

Mary discovers the empty tomb and in this section we see what the resurrection means for us. The empty tomb is evidence that the grave has been forever conquered. Because He lives we also have a hope that conquers despair. Mary is called out of her despair when she realizes Jesus is alive. And finally, like Mary, we are given a mission and a message to carry in this world.

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Psalm 98 - Joy To The World

The Psalmist exhorts all creation to break forth in joyful praise because of the wonderful works that God has done. This Psalm inspired the writing of the Hymn, Joy to the World.

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