Acts 4:23-31 Grant Your Servants To Continue...
In Acts 4:23-31, the early church in Jerusalem is notified that the ruling council has banned all teaching and all speech in Jesus’ name. Peter and John responded boldly to the rulers saying, "We cannot help but speak..." but now they return to the body of believers and tell them the command of the Sanhedrin. The church is on notice. From this point on, there will be consequences if they choose to continue speaking of Jesus. In our text for Sunday, we will examine how the church responds the the threat upon their safety. Will they run? Will they fight back? What can they do?
In verses 4:23-31, they do the only thing they can. They go together to the Lord in prayer, and their prayer teaches us so much about how we must respond not only to opposition to the gospel, but to any trial. When we are afraid - when we are weary - when we are worried - when we are hurting - when we feel like we can’t go on anymore - this text shows us how we respond. Although we will learn several things in this passage, the overarching point is, we cannot be faithful in our own strength. We cannot walk out this Christian life under our own steam. In the face of persecution and the threat of death, this church doesn’t beg God to take the trial away. They don’t plead in prayer that they would be physically protected or that the enemies would be destroyed. They pray, "And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness..." (v.29). They asked for strength to be faithful to His calling regardless of what comes.
The same faith by which we cast ourselves upon Jesus for salvation is the faith by which we must cast ourselves upon Jesus to live the Christian life no matter what the circumstances.
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Acts 4:13-22 We Can't Help But Speak
Sunday we will finish looking at Peter’s interaction with the ruling council in Jerusalem. (Acts 4:13-22) Peter and John were arrested in the Temple court after they healed a lame man and proclaimed the risen Jesus to the crowd that gathered. After their arrest and questioning, Peter boldly proclaimed Jesus as God’s messiah to the council as well. He told them that there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name given by which men must be saved. This Sunday we will see the response of the council and examine Christ’s witnesses as they are opposed. Jesus has called His disciples to a life that witnesses to His glory and the gospel. This is exactly what Peter and John demonstrate as their boldness is evident to the religious leaders. They spoke with authority and confidence just as Jesus has done before this same council. The leaders could not help but recognize that these men "had been with Jesus." That was the source of their witness...and ours.
Peter and John truly believed that the gospel is the power of God. They truly believed that the risen Jesus was with them and therefore, they were not afraid to speak. Even when they were warned to never again speak in the name of Jesus, they respectfully tell the council "we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard." This Sunday, we will look at our witness and how we draw strength from being with Jesus, and we will also look at the the obstacles that hinder us from speaking of what we have seen and heard.
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Genesis 41 - Faithful When Things Are Good
Acts 4:1-12 By No Other Name
Chapter 4 begins a turning point in the book of Acts. As the disciples obey Jesus’ command to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, opposition to the gospel mission rears its head. In fact, after chapter 3, there are only three chapters in the rest of the book of Acts that do not mention some form of persecution or opposition. This will be a reality in the life of the church until Jesus returns. However, opposition does not hinder the progress of the gospel. Historically just the opposite is true. The church grew most exponentially in the first three centuries under the most extreme persecution. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation even in the face of opposition. Peter’s sermon at the end of Acts 3 was earth shaking for the people in the Temple courts. But as he stood before the crowd, the leaders of Jerusalem appeared to arrest he and John. These are the same men who turned Jesus over to be crucified and declared Him a blasphemer just two months earlier. Yet Luke tells us that despite this show of Temple authority, the gospel message took root in many hearts (Acts 4:4). And Sunday, we will see Peter give basically the same sermon before the Sanhedrin that he gave in the Temple courts. Through this, we will examine why the gospel always bring opposition (both worldly and spiritually) and we will see how we stand faithfully in the midst of it. We also see why we MUST stand faithfully - because "there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12) Subscribe to the Sermon podcast on itunes or search for "jason velotta" in your podcasting app Visit more audio, video, books, and teaching materials
Genesis 40 Faith In God's Timing
Acts 3:11-26 The Name of Jesus (Peter's 2nd Sermon)
As the church of Jesus Christ, everything we are and everything we do must be grounded in and focused upon the gospel. What Jesus accomplished for His people in His death, burial, resurrection, and exaltation is the hub around which all of the Christian life turns. The gospel is not just the baby steps of the Christian life. It is everything! We will see this demonstrated clearly in Peter’s second sermon (Acts 3:11-26). Peter stands before an amazed crowd of people in the Temple courts. They are amazed because Peter seemingly just healed a man who had been lame from birth, and now he was leaping, walking, and praising God. Peter will explain to them what this is all about, but instead of focusing on the man’s physical healing, Peter uses the man as an illustration of something much greater. Peter proclaims that Jesus is the glorified Messiah whom God, through Moses and the prophets, promised to sent to His people. He shows the people God’s salvation and calls them to turn to Jesus and receive true healing in His name.
As Peter begins explaining who healed this lame man, he will introduce Jesus by saying, "The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified his servant Jesus..." (Acts 3:13). When Peter says "glorified his servant," he is referencing the fourth "servant song" in Isaiah. He is claiming Jesus is the suffering servant of Isa. 52:13-53:12. So in addition to reading Acts 3:11-26, I would encourage you to read Isa. 52:13-53:12 as well. This prophecy tells us how the Father "glorified his servant, Jesus."
Peter’s point is that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s purposes in all of history. This is the moment to which all of Scripture has led. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. There is no deeper theology and no higher spiritual level that being "in Christ."
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Genesis 39 Faithfulness When Things Go Wrong
Acts 3:1-10 Then Shall The Lame Man Leap
As we begin Acts 3, the church in Jerusalem is alive and growing. The Holy Spirit indwelled the disciples and through Peter’s sermon, God saved 3000 people. Last week we saw the discipleship life of the early church as they devoted themselves to worshiping, connecting in discipling relationships, and served one another. Acts 3:1-10 shows us the early church in operation. This section chronicles the healing of the lame beggar at the beautiful gate. Though we will only examine the event itself in the first 10 verses of chapter 3, I would encourage you to read the entire chapter before Sunday. The event of this man’s healing is explained by Peter in his sermon that follows in the Temple court. While the actual healing of this suffering man shows the compassion and the ministry of the church, and indeed, many people have drawn hope from the healing power of Jesus from this text, Peter’s sermon shows us the point of this miracle. The healing of this man’s physical infirmity is a sign that points to a greater reality. This miraculous event demonstrates that because Jesus is the messiah and has fulfilled the promised salvation, the coming kingdom of God is breaking into reality now. His physical healing is a glimpse of what is to come when all things are made new and the Christ who has brought deliverance, comes again in power and glory.
Peter’s sermon emphasizes that this healing miracle should lead the people to trust in Jesus so that their sins would be forgiven and when the Christ comes to restore all the things, they would receive times of refreshing from His presence (see Acts 3:19-21)
The healing of the beggar is not a declaration that all physical infirmities will be healed in this life. It is a preview of the kingdom to come when all sickness, disease, suffering, death and sin will be done away with forever. And that healing only comes by faith in the risen Messiah who is glorified at the Father’s side.
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Genesis 38 The Transformation Of An Hypocrite
Acts 2:42-47 The Disciple-Making Church
Peter has just preached his Pentecost sermon, the Holy Spirit moved and three thousand people are converted in a single instant. Now the Jerusalem church is faced with a logistical nightmare. In one moment it time, the church went from 120 people to 3,120. How can all these new Christians grow as disciples? How can the church disciple all these people with no infrastructure or programs? They did so by being devoted to worshiping together, connecting with one another in discipling relationships, and serving one another. That is the pattern of discipleship presented in Acts 2:42-47. The early church met in the Temple courts, and in smaller groups in their homes. They praised God together. They loved and cared for one another when needs arose. And God moved among them, adding to His church daily. Sunday, as we examine this passage, we will see the early church’s method of making disciples and we will see the discipleship that Christ calls for each of us to invest ourselves in.
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Genesis 37 God Meant THIS for Good?
Acts 2:37-41 What Shall We Do?
Throughout history, man has come up with many different answers to the most important question in the universe. "How can I be right and righteous when I stand before my creator?" That is the question the crowd will ask Peter and the Apostles in Acts 2:37-41. After the Spirit came at Pentecost, Peter preached a sermon explaining what has happened and why it has happened. His message is that because Jesus is the Messiah, has risen from the grave, and is exalted at the right hand of the Father, He has poured out the Spirit in fulfillment of God’s promises. However, there is a troubling refrain repeated throughout Peter’s address to the Jewish pilgrims in Jerusalem. He continually reminds them, "you killed Him," and "you crucified Him."
As the Spirit convicts them of their sin, they come to realize their desperate and hopeless position. Finally understanding the most crucial problem of all humanity, the crowd cries out, "Brothers what shall we do?" How this question is answered will reverberate through all eternity. Sunday, we will look at how Peter, moved by the Spirit, answers this question. His answer (in v.38) is one of the most debated passages in Scripture as several different groups build whole theologies based upon it.
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Genesis 36 To Gain The Whole World and Lose Your Soul
Acts 2:22-36 The Witness Of King Jesus
The Spirit has been poured out on the disciples and the spectacle of their testimony has drawn an enormous crowd in Jerusalem. Peter stands to explain this to the crowd and gives a powerful gospel sermon. Last week we heard him explain that this is the fulfillment of Joel’s “last days” prophecy when the Spirit would be poured out on all God’s people. As we begin in v.22, Peter will now explain why this is happening. He will explain why the Spirit has been poured out on this Pentecost feast? His answer is simple – because Jesus of Nazareth is God’s Messiah who was crucified, raised from the dead, and is now enthroned at the right hand of the Father.
The coming of the Spirit is a witness to Jesus’ exaltation and his fulfilling the covenant promises of His people. The Spirit has come in testimony that Jesus is Lord and salvation is found in no other name. Likewise, the Spirit empowers those united with Christ to be His witnesses.
Acts 2:22-36 is one of the most masterful sermons in all of Scripture which presents the glories of the exalted Jesus, glorified and reigning upon the throne. Yet it is also one of the most pointed as Peter shows us the difference between how God the Father sees His messiah and how His people viewed Him. Peter leads His hearers to the main conclusion saying, “Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” (Acts 2:36) Sunday we will ask, “What have we done with this Jesus?”
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Genesis 35 God's Call And Promise (Again)
Acts 2:1-21 A New Era Dawns
As chapter 2 opens, we see the inauguration of a new era. The Spirit’s coming marks the fulfillment of God’s new covenant promise to indwell His people. Because Jesus has come, died to pay for sin, risen from the grave, and has been exalted to the right hand of the Father - God Himself has made his dwelling place within His people and by His Spirit, He makes us witnesses for His name. This incredible beginning of the church shows us that God is still advancing His kingdom in our world and He is faithful to His promises. Now - every single gospel-believer, from the least to the greatest, is imbued with power from on High. By the gospel, every Christian is a temple of the living God, born again to be His priests, His prophets, and His ambassadors as we bear witness to the gospel in the power of His Spirit.
Genesis 34 The Consequences of Indifference
James 1:19-27 Doers Of The Word
Acts 1:12-26 Preparing To Be His Witnesses
The fledgling church waits in Jerusalem for the promise to be poured out. As they wait, they prepared themselves to be His witnesses so they would be ready when the time came.
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